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Autor: Silvano
Datum: 27.09.04 14:48
Hi l am a italan guy been living in Germany for 24 years and lived in England for 17 years ,l have been in Rumania a lot !! l am looking for a german firm who l can work for near Constanta,Galati,Braila area !Bucharest too !! l now work with alarm systems and Programming smoke detectors and security systems !l work at the Firma Novar gmbh Before eff-eff !!.
or doese anybody have interest in opening a firm in that area in this direction or anything else ??l speak and write English,German and some Rumanian would be happy to here from u
Gruße Silvano
Mobile 01727211911
Job in Rumania Neu |
Silvano |
27.09.04 14:48 |