Autor: Gerard
Datum: 07.01.14 16:11
My name is Gerard, I'm 29 years old and i live in Germany for about 7 months and now i urgently looking for a job in any activity domain. In recent months i have worked on various sites (mostly in interior design / construction). I am qualified firefighter service, fork-lift and security guard but those qualifications are not a real help right now because I don't speak German language, or let's say i speak just a little, I also speak English to a moderate level and i have few knowledge in the gastronomical domain but i don't have a diploma or a special qualification. If you know someone who need a help or offer a job (i repet, any activity domain) in Berlin and Brandenburg, i will be pleased to deal that with seriousness and responsibility.
Thank in advance for your any kind of response,
Best regards,
0151668 60 997
Buna ziua,
Ma numesc Gerard, am 29 de ani si sunt in Germania de aproximativ 7 luni si caut urgent un loc de munca in orice domeniu. In ultimele luni am lucrat pe diferite santiere (majoritatea in amenajari interioare/construtii). Sunt calificat pompier-servant, stivuitorist si agent de paza dar nu imi sunt inca de folos deoarece nu vorbesc limba germana sau mai bine spus vorbesc foarte putin si engleza (fie ea si nivel B2, nu imi este de ajuns). De altfel, am cunostiinte in domeniu gastronomic dar nu detin vreo diploma sau vreo calificare speciala anume. Daca aveti cunostinte despre un loc de munca (repet, orice domeniu) in Berlin sau Brandenburg, as fi incantat sa il ocup cu seriozitate si responsabilitate.
Va multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns, de orice natura ar fi acesta.
Cu stima,
0151668 60 997