Autor: arogos
Datum: 09.05.15 17:43
Das "Ministerul Afacerilor Externe" sagt dazu:
V. Do I need a visa?
​1. YES
Please consult the list of states whose citizens, holders of simple passports, are required a visa upon entry on the Romanian territory.
2. NO
Please consult the list of states whose citizens, holders of simple passports, are not required a visa to travel to Romania.
The regime applicable to the holders of diplomatic and service passports, official passports or seamen’s books.
The holders of biometric passports, nationals of the following states:
the Republic of Moldova;
the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;
the Republic of Serbia, except for the passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Division (in Serbian: Koordinaciona uprava);
the Republic of Montenegro (the non-biometric passports issued by this state are no longer valid).
​The holders of Schengen visas with two or multiple entries, national visas or residence permits issued by Schengen Member States.
Attention! The number of entries as well as the right of stay established as per the Schengen visas must not have been exhausted. The right of stay on the territory of Romania shall not exceed the right of stay granted as per the visas/residence permits issued by the Schengen Member States.
Also würde ich sagen wenn er ein Schengen-Visum mit mehrfacher Einreise hat, sollte das möglich sein... ich würde aber immer bei der nächsten Botschaft oder beim nächsten Konsulat anfragen.