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 A1 Deva - Ilia
Autor: Rolf1 
Datum: 26.08.19 12:56

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ganz brandaktuelle Infos über den Ausbauzustand und ein paar Tipps dazu.

Allerdings in Englisch, da ich es einem Bekannten in Englisch geschrieben habe und nun nicht zurückübersetzen möchte. Die beschriebene Richtung ist von Ost nach West.

I have so actual information on the autostrada A1, in case you have to go this direction. Of course the information can change as soon as the open the rest of the motorway.

Good News:

The Autostrada A1 is open now between Deva and some kms behind Ilia (was opened last Thursday). There you have to leave the motorway, because the rest of it has not been accepted / approved by the Romanian State yet.


The question is what is the best way to get to the other end of the e-mail at Margina (near Faget)…

There is no official deviation marked. If you leave the motorway near Ilia, you see the signs to Arad through the DN 7 / E 68 and therefore you might be thinking to drive that way – but this road does not lead to Margina / Faget where the other end of the motorway is! The problem is that there are only very few bridges over the Mures, so that you hardly can change to the DN7 later!

You can go that way anyway, the DN 7 is in a good condition and there is not much traffic. However, if you decide to drive the DN 7 until Savarsin and then turn to the left direction to Faget (it is signposted) via Capalnas (707D and 682) that’s not a good idea at present. It is in a bad condition and there are road works almost all the road long.
Also, the complete distance using this route is quite long, even though the navigation systems usually suggest this one.

So my suggestions would be:

a.) Go back to Ilia (into the “wrong direction”) to Ilia and Sacamas via the DN 7 until you reach the DN68A / E673 and turn to the right there, so that you drive the DN68A to the west (via Braznic, Lapusnic and Dobra and further to Cosavita, Cosava to Margina). That road is not in the best condition, but much better than the 707D and the 682 mentioned above). Also the way is much shorter than using the DN7 / E68.

b.) You follow the DN 7 / E 68 to Arad as per the signs and so muss out a lot of motorway…

This information is from 24th August 2019.

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 A1 Deva - Ilia  Neu  
Rolf1 26.08.19 12:56

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